On January 30-31, the OSTEOproSPINE consortium followed the kind invitation of their coordinator, University of Zagreb School of Medicine, and came together in Zagreb for the 2nd progress meeting. The partners met in the historical building of Andrija Stampar School of Public Health in the heart of the city, where they found perfect conditions to discuss the latest developments in the project and prepare upcoming tasks.
After a warm welcome by coordinator Slobodan Vukicevic, the partners dived into work right away. In a very efficient atmosphere, the consortium members discussed the presented status updates and current challenges in clinical trial management, regulatory support, the GMP production and BMP stability as well as the preclinical work conducted in OSTEOproSPINE. They then used the afternoon session to elaborate on communication, dissemination and exploitation measures as well as ethics requirements. As the work package-based discussions finished ahead of schedule, there was still time to form working groups to discuss future challenges, before the partners headed for the joint dinner.
The second meeting day focused on the clinical trial itself, as well as data and general project management. Again, the partners were efficient in their discussions and took important decisions to make sure that the OSTEOproSPINE study will be concluded successfully. In the management part, upcoming tasks, such as the second internal progress report, were planned and a short overview on the financial status of the project was presented after the 1st Periodic Report had been accepted by the European Commission. All in all, the coordinator and the project partners are pleased with the progress and achievements the project made since the last meeting.