Already at the beginning of the second project week, the partners of Horizon 2020 project OSTEOproSPINE met for the first time on January 8-9 in Vienna. Invited by the Coordinator, the University of Zagreb School of Medicine, and the local host, the Medical University of Vienna, the 13 partners – clinicians, research organisations and SMEs – came together to discuss the first steps for a successful cooperation in the new project.
After a warm welcome by project coordinator Prof. Slobodan Vukicevic who also gave an overview over the main project activities, the consortium dived into the work. The 13 partners presented themselves and their responsibilities in the project. Afterwards, the work packages were outlined and discussed in the plenary. The first day ended with a joint dinner and a great Viennese specialty: “Tafelspitz”.
Day 2 focused on administrative topics as well as general and clinical trials management. The presentation and discussion of the action plan for the first project year was followed by a session of intense group work. Three different working groups discussed the clinical studies, the management of the clinical trials and project management topics to ensure a smooth project start.